The Bold Type – Season 1, Episode 2 – O Hell No

Important Change:

I have changed my First Watch Feature for a later to be revealed feature. This is now Weekly TV Roundup. I created this so I could recap and discuss new shows that I watch live. I do generally live-tweet, so if you’re on Twitter, you can always follow me there.  I’ll most likely inevitably have to try to combine multiple show discussion into one post as I do weekly posts. Wish me luck.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images shared in this recap. They are all owned by Freeform.

Here’s the second edition of Weekly TV Roundup! I originally watched the second episode the same night as the premiere. Due to my rambling and such, I broke it into two parts! 

Plots For The Week:

  • Jane struggles with writing an orgasm article for the sex column.
  • Kat is discovering if she’s not as straight as she believed.
  • Sutton’s new aspirations with the magazine!

One of the best things about this show so far is the amazing soundtrack. Episode 2 kicks off with a song that just screams NYC if that makes any kind of sense.



Jane is definitely a person who would rather write more serious articles from saying last episode “I could handle bigger subject matter, and I want to prove it, so I have some ideas that I was hoping to throw at you.” to this week’s “ Oh, uh, actually, I had this political piece that I wanted to pitch to you.”. Two things are clear: 1. Jane doesn’t want to get too personal with some things and 2. She’s uncomfortable with sexuality. 

I related so much to Jane in this episode. Jane is a little inexperienced when it comes to sex. Writing for a magazine like Scarlet which has a big focus on it proves to be a bit hard for her due to this. She feels pressured from this magazine to have sex, to have orgasms, to be good in the bedroom for guys.She criticizes the way a male writer from Pinstripe wrote about sex and women. I love how this was really pushed from the beginning with the lead ladies attempting to re-create this sex scene to pitch to readers. Jane goes on the journey to finding out why she hasn’t orgasmed and goes about getting one. This revelation shocks Kat and Sutton. I love that Jane does tell Jacqueline about her feelings twice about pressure and sex. This doesn’t get her out of writing the article, but she does get the option to go anonymously.


During a call Jane gets from a gynecologist in the middle of the crowded Scarlet offices only to escape to an elevator with bad reception and screams “A problem with my vagina!” in front of who else but. . .

Ryan, Pinstripe’s sex columnist.


Nevertheless, that wasn’t Jane’s last meeting with Ryan as the duo meet two more times. Predictable? Of course but I’ll take it. There was lovely banter between the two. Will these two hook up? Most likely.

I think the pressure Jane feels is so realistic for a lot of women. It’s bad to talk about sex even around our same gender, it’s expected to be experienced and masturbate and have sex. This isn’t the case for all women. Especially if they’re Christian or abstinent for other reasons.

There are other interesting scenes here from the introduction to the porn watching scene they have and Kat removing a Yoni egg from inside Jane. I’ll have to say that after watching this episode, I would not use one and that’s all I’ll say about that.


Jane writes her piece on orgasms which is very much full of science and she tells Jacqueline she’d like to submit anonymously. This is a magazine no-no so readers know they can trust Scarlet. By the end after really voicing her feelings, Jane is allowed to submit the article anonymously. Like a true star though, Jane signs her name at the last minute.  Yes, Jane! There’s also the awesome slow motion scene with Jane walking through the Scarlet offices knowing everyone has now seen the article put online. Jane is my girl. Not just Scarlet sees it though as Ryan also sees it. I bet he’ll be making his re-appearance soon and I’m very excited for it.


Who hasn’t worried about being ghosted today in the social media age? Adena hasn’t been answering Kat’s messages since doing the first piece. She’s not  left in the dark for long though when Adena shows up at Scarlet. We discover that Adena has received death threats, something which is so common among POC especially POC that are Muslim. We find out as well that American Immigration officers have been checking Muslims’ phones and she got rid of it. That is a really good reason for Kat.


Kat tells her the magazine wants a follow-up with her and that Alex would have some time. Adena also invites Kat along leading to Kat causing one of her brightest smiles yet. Kat’s main side plot besides wondering about Adena is helping Jane uncover the secret to an orgasm. This involves taking Jane to the sexologist. During Jane Time though, she decides to bring up her feelings about her sexuality which she always thought was just straight. She later helps extract the yoni from Jane as it may help her figure out her feelings for Adena. She proclaims that she’s not a lesbian, she’s just not. Once again, no mention of bisexual here which makes me a little disappointed.


While at the exhibit, Kat decides to go talk to Adena finally only to see what appears to be a girlfriend show up and kiss her. It doesn’t end all bad though, at least for Kat. The girls give her a pep talk that I think viewers can only agree with.


Kat is brave and strong. She does take risks and she follows her heart. She’s an inspiration to Jane who goes to kiss Ryan. Hands To Myself plays at the perfect moment. I can’t think of a better fitting song. She then leaves him standing there as she goes walking off to write, like the queen she is.  Jane doesn’t stop there though as she decides to sign her once anonymous article with her name. Yesss, Jane.

Kat tries to talk to Adena, I think, about her confused feelings and instead just says the show was amazing. You will get there, Kat. No worries.



Sutton is my love. I’ve said this before, but I really do just love all of the ladies. I think Sutton may be the one I relate most closely too. She is the last one to be promoted from an assistant, I could picture that being me. Sutton does attempt to get somewhere new with the magazine as she talks to Lauren. Rather than aim for the fashion department, Sutton talks about being interested in the business. Business? Yes, of course. It’s safe, reliable, and has a lot of money in it. I can completely understand why Sutton would aim for that. It’s a practical guarantee for her. No chance to fail. Lauren encourages her by setting up informational interviews. The person she points her to has to be . . . Richard, the man she just broke up with last week.


Richard pulls her into doing an informational interview about her options. I loved this because it helped learn more about her character. She needs this money which could change her life. Why wouldn’t she aim for the job? Sutton is  the character of the millennial generation. She wrestles with the idea of going with her dream of fashion or doing the business side which is a safe steady job. She’s still unemployed after getting a degree and not sure what she wants to do. If that’s not relatable,  I don’t know what is. From her money struggles to her parent’s struggles, I relate to her through and through.

There’s also a little tidbit about Richard’s age when Sutton says “Oh, you mean when I graduated into the worst job market in 50 years, thanks to your generation?” Preach the truth, Sutton.


I’m sure everyone had the same thoughts when Sutton talked about moving on. Moving on? Girl you just got here for the viewers. We can tell from The Bold Type’s Premise that Sutton will be sticking around. You’re not spending that $100 on a train ticket. It would be interesting to see a somewhat business side of the magazine though.

My favorite guy, Alex comes back in this episode as he talks with Sutton about her interview and need for a job. She tells him about how she needs the money a business job could get her. She asks if that’s a bad reason to take a job? At this point I screamed No! Because money is important and people need it. It’s not wrong to take a job you don’t really love when you need the money.


Sutton tells Kat and Jane about her interview and while they’re somewhat supportive, they both question why she would work in business rather than fashion. Kat also says it’s “so boring”. Yes, sometimes jobs are boring, but we do what we have to, right?

I remember a friend was just saying a couple weeks ago how a friend of hers says she’s doing a job she doesn’t particularly love so she can do things she does like. That hit me so hard because yes, not everyone can go and follow their dreams. It would be amazing if they could, but there are so many obstacles. No one is wrong for ever taking a “boring” job if it gets them what they need.

I obviously can’t blame Sutton for wanting to do what could change her life. I can understand the student loans Sutton has. There’s such a desperate feeling, especially when you’re not bringing in a lot of money. I think there’s another element of Sutton just wanting to do something more than be an assistant. Both of her friends have moved up and she hasn’t. When she tries to, it’s for something she really doesn’t want to do. So what does Sutton have to do to move up? Well, we’re find out, I’m sure.

She gets her happy ending during the exhibit when she gets the call that she got the job. Her and Alex go out for a very expensive bottle of alcohol and she finally spends that $100 bill. It’s not because she’s taking the job though. It’s for “crazy dreams” and her fully pursuing fashion. I think I could have cried at this scene. I’m so happy to see Sutton be successful and go after what she wants.


I loved seeing the growth with Jane as each episode premieres. My girl is pushing out these articles and being, well, the bold type. All three of them are with Sutton taking a riskier job move and Kat really thinking about how she feels. I love the longer drawn out plots with Kat and Sutton figuring themselves out. I think some things are wrapping up a little fast or going really well. Other than that though, I did like this episode quite a bit.I’m so excited to see what Sutton decides she wants to do. As always, I am loving the Kadena scenes. 

  • Most Relatable Character:: Tie between Jane and Sutton
  • Favorite Character: Sutton
  • Most Memorable Scene: The yoni removal, of course.
  • Best Music Usage: Hands To Myself by Selena Gomez – hands down. I am pretty sure I screamed when this song played, no lie.

~Favorite Quotes~

“You’re the bravest person I know. You take risks and you put yourself out there. I mean, I wish I could be more like you.”

“Crazy dreams.”

What were your thoughts on the characters this week? What do you think about the plots and development so far? Is your type of show or not so much? I’d love to know.

About Amber (YA Indulgences)

Amber is a 30-something woman who enjoys reading, writing, listening to music and taking walks. She has a book blog called YA Indulgences . She is still trying to figure out what she's doing with her life, but she's confident that time will tell. View all posts by Amber (YA Indulgences)

One response to “The Bold Type – Season 1, Episode 2 – O Hell No

  • Kaitlin ☺ (@KaitlinS16)

    I’m really happy with how Jane handled the article in the end! It’s the way I wanted her part of the episode to be wrapped up. 🙂 I really like Kat and Adena! I started shipping them the moment they met, though I kinda put that on hold when the supposed girlfriend showed up. But I’m looking forward to future scenes with Kat and Adena! I do find Sutton relateable, but she’s the character I connect with the least so far.


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