Category Archives: Bookish Lists

A New Feature Debut: Bookish Lists

In honor of, The Bold Type officially premiering tonight, I decided to finally launch this long-thought-of feature. I am creating a bookish list type of feature where I can showcase books with similar storylines or aspects. I love bookish lists because they’re great when you’re just in the mood to read about topics and see how other authors handle it.

Today’s Bookish List is going to be about fashion because The Bold Type is about three women who are friends and begin to work for the magazine, Scarlet. Scarlet is a women’s magazine. I loved everything about the preview of the pilot when I watched it last month so this list was a total given.


To be more specific, this list will be about teens interning for fashion or women magazines.


I’ll kick off this list with the two series that gave me an itch to read books about fashion:

The Flirt Series is a favorite because it’s about several girls who are are interning in different areas at one magazine. I’m partial towards Close Up and Personal and Spin City because the girls are involved in photography and music. Close Up and Personal features a girl from Argentina and Spin City is about a Japanese teen.

Next, there’s the Interns duo. 

Fashionistas Truth_Or_Fashion

Like Flirt, The Interns is about a group of interns for a magazine called Flirt. Unlike the previous series, these girls aren’t immediate friends. I remember buying Fashionistas at Dollar Tree for, you guessed it, a dollar. It was one of the best book purchases I made. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I really liked the duology.

Now come the final books:

I loved Foreign Exposure, which is actually part of a trilogy, though the previous two books don’t involve being an intern. I read the third book and didn’t feel like I’d missed out on anything much.

I also read Indie Girl which is about an Indian girl by an Indian author. I’m dying to read Little Black Dresses, Little White Lies as well as At First Blush which I hadn’t heard of before today. It’s interesting to me to see that most of these titles are featured by animated or drawn covers. 

Well, how did you like this bookish list? Are you going to watch The Bold Type? Do you like books revolving around fashion? Have you read any of the books on this list, let me know below.