Category Archives: Stacking The Shelves

Weekly Recap (#43)+ Stacking The Shelves (#32)

Good evening everyone. I hope your weekend’s gone well. Mine hasn’t been too bad. I did a bit of posting this week, but missed out on doing a few posts I had wanted to do. Oops? 😉 I’ll try to do them in the upcoming week, but no promises, as always.

~Here’s What You May Have Missed~

February Monthly Recap ’16

Looking Forward To: March ’16

Interview with Jessica Love (author of In Real Life) and Giveaway for In Real Life (Ends 3/31)

Snark From The Ark (Bitter Harvest) (The 100 3.6)

As for what’s coming up? Let’s just say I have a discussion and two reviews in the works, hopefully. 


~Reading Progress~

I finished The Girl Who Fell which was really good. I read a bit more of Save Me Kurt Cobain which I started way back last month before other books distracted me. I shall finish it next though. 🙂  


~Stacking The Shelves~

Stacking The Shelves

Here’s Stacking The Shelves, a meme created/hosted at Tynga’s Reviews where bloggers can share the books they’ve acquired over the week.


What_Happens_Now_Jennifer_Castle Red_Velvet_Crush_Christina_Meredith Meet_Me_Here_Bryan_Bliss The_Lsot_and_Found_Katrina_Leno My_Lady_Jane_Cynthia_Hand

From Harper Collins via Edelweiss. Thanks Harper!

How has your week been? Did you see any interesting discussions this past week? I haven’t been reading too many blogs, so hence the lack of “Around The Blogosphere” section. Did you pick up any interesting books this week? Let me know in the comments.



Weekly Recap (41)+ Stacking The Shelves (31)

Good evening everyone! I can’t believe I haven’t posted in over a week. That rarely happens unless I’m on hiatus. 😦 I seriously haven’t posted much at all over this past month. That isn’t really considering we’re not over halfway done with January, which is amazing. This month is flying by.

Here are the two posts I did make since last recap:

Jan. 5: Looking Forward to: January ’16

Jan. 7: ARC Review: Firsts by Laurie E. Flynn (Five Stars)

I’ve been watching Pokemon quite a bit this week since all else on Netflix is just…eh, I’m not into it much. Pretty Little Liars started back up and I watched the first season of Degrassi Next Class! It was fantastic. I may rewatch it sometime soon since I didn’t binge watch it. 😉

Pretty Little Liars isn’t bad either, I’ll be looking forward to seeing where it goes. At least a little.

I’m so excited for The 100 to be coming back this week! This will be the first time I actually watch it live! Yay!

Next week on my blog, you can expect my Tsar Guard’s post tomorrow and then Laurie E. Flynn stops by on Tuesday with a guest post that I loved.

~Bout of Books~

Okay, so, I pretty much failed at Bout of Books. On the bright side, I finished two books, however…they weren’t two books I started during Bout of Books, so…yeah… I finished The Love That Split The World and Gena/Finn. Then I started The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly that following  Wednesday (the 6th), I think and I’m still only halfway through it. So…yeah, I didn’t do too well.

Stacking The Shelves

~Stacking The Shelves~

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme created and hosted at Tynga’s Reviews where they invite bloggers to share what books they got over the week.

This week I added only two books to my shelves:

The Night We Said Yes The Museum of Heartbreak

The Night We Said Yes is an ARC that was given to me by Jocelyn for my collection.

The Museum of Heartbreak was sent by Simon & Schuster.

So a big thanks to both of them. 

How has your week been? Has anything good happened? Are you watching anything good lately? ❤

Weekly Recap #40 + Stacking The Shelves #30 + Bout of Books

So, technically the first day of the second week of the year. How exciting, right? I think so anyway. Maybe. Anyway, did anyone do anything fun/cool for New Year’s Eve? I just finished up Jessica Jones, which I liked, but wasn’t super super impressed with, but it was still good. Then I watched High School Musical because obvs, the movie begins on New Year’s Eve, so that was good. I haven’t seen that movie in so many years. Possibly not since the year it came out? No lie.

I posted a bit more than usual this week.

~Here’s What I Posted~

Favorite Albums of 2015

Favorite Covers of 2015

December Recap of ’15

Yearly Recap + Looking Forward to 2016

End of Year Survey

So, a ton of year-end posts there, that’s fun.

I’m excited that the two church related groups I’m in are both starting back up this week. I’ve missed that. A little.


~Reading Progress~

I finished The Love That Split The World yesterday, which was really good. I also progressed to 20% in Firsts, so hopefully I’ll finish that this week.

~Stacking The Shelves~

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme created and hosted at Tynga’s Reviews where bloggers can link up their book hauls for the week.

I received some books this week from Book Outlet! I bought them on the day after Christmas and got them just a week later, which I thought was super impressive and fast! Only seven days.

Forgive Me Leonard Peacock Reality Boy Faking Normal A Midsummer's Nightmare

The first two are ones I’ve been wanting to read for a while, I’d actually started FMLM a long time ago, but stopped because I couldn’t get into it. I want to give it another try though. I was so happy to see these on Book Outlet, when I could actually buy them. I read Faking Normal and A Midsummer’s Nightmare and wanted final copies. My review on A Midsummer’s Nightmare.

Before I forget…

~Bout of Books Sign Up~

I’m going to be participating in Bout of Books again and I am so excited! It starts tomorrow and ends on the 10th. Here is a tentative list of books I hope to read by then:

-Review Copies-

Sanctuary Bay The Year We Fell Apart My True Love Gave To Me Anthology

-For Fun-

Forgive Me Leonard Peacock The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly Cracked Up To Be

This makes for a total of 996 pages ‘for review’ and 887 pages ‘for fun’. Lol at reading all those hard to swallow books for fun.

So I’ll have to read 269 pages a day, which basically means reading Forgive Me Leonard Peacock and Cracked Up To Be in one day. 😉 I’ll add this to an official page hopefully tomorrow.  I did pretty good last year, reading three and a half books, but I could do better this year.

How has everyone’s first three/four days of the New Year been? 🙂 Have you already read anything great? Are you participating in Bout of Books? Do you have any specific books you want to read?

Weekly Recap (#39) + Stacking The Shelves (#29)

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas, if you celebrate it. If you don’t celebrate it, then I hope you had a good day either way. 🙂

Christmas went well here! I didn’t get any books for Christmas, but I did get luggage and clothes for BEA. I received some money on Visa, which I promptly spent on…books! Yay, books. It all leads back to books in the end. 😉 So my parents are really trying to shove me out the door already, haha.

Besides that, I got some other things, including a phone, which is good. Once again, for BEA purposes mostly, I’m not a phone person at all. Well, calling wise.

There was no snow here for Christmas, but now, of course, my state’s in a winter storm watch until tomorrow afternoon so that’s fun. I hope we don’t lose power or anything, we usually don’t, but you never know.

I can’t believe it’s almost the end of the year, it feels like this year just flew by, it’s crazy. Due to that, I will be doing a lot of year end posts such as Jamie’s yearly recap, my regular yearly recap (I may combine the two), my favorite covers of the year and my favorite albums of the year. So this week will actually be pretty full, which hasn’t happened in a while for me. 🙂

~This Week I Posted~

I shared an awesome playlist of my favorite songs and highlighted songs in the post itself. Check that out for sure!

I shared the top ten books I would love to receive for Christmas. Spoiler Alert: Alexander Hamilton made the list. ;D

I swore Winter was coming in my Wondrous Covers Wednesday post. It appears it finally is, it was freezing today!

~My ‘Reading’ Life~

Once again, I have been just LAGGING on the reading. I blame it on Netflix and Hamilton. I don’t know how to say no to them.

My goal for the rest of the year though is to just finish Gena/Finn and The Love That Split The World. I can do it, I can do it. I think. 

So if you see me on Twitter, nudge me and say “So Amber, how’s that book you’ve been reading?”, this will remind me that as a book blogger, it’s sometimes good to READ. 😉

~Stacking The Shelves~

Stacking The Shelves

I also received some books this week! Which was fun. As well as a correction to a book I received last week, haha.


Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme created and hosted at Tynga’s Reviews. Bloggers are invited to link up and share the books they received over the past week.


There’s soap and socks there too! Both in which, I love.

Yes, Tease again! Very glare-ful. Last week I said I received this from my Secret Sister which was totally wrong and created a ton of confusion. I actually received this great looking book from my Secret Santa, Val!

You see, I just figured it was from my Secret Sister because I was so used to receiving packages every month that I completely quit checking the addresses, hahaha. I also read her lovely card incorrectly (Sorry Val<3). So yes, that book was from Val and not Secret Sis.


Here’s a close up of the Sailor Moon figure (Is it not the cutest thing you’ve ever seen!?) and Anna! She’s in her post-Elsa striking phase. There’s also the awesome unicorn card. You know how I love unicorns, they’re totally real.

Kaitlin offered me an ARC of Underwater and let me choose a couple other books from a selection of hers! Thank you so much, Kaitlin. ❤ Here was what I chose:


Underwater / Not If I See You FirstOf Beast and Beauty 

I’ve heard good things about all three books, so I’m excited to get around to reading them. Of Beast and Beauty will count towards the backlist challenge I’m participating in. 

So, is anyone doing anything for New Year’s Eve? I’m pretty sure I won’t be doing anything except cowering in my room due to the numerous fireworks that will undoubtedly go off, haha. Let me know how your week’s been or if you received any cool books for Christmas!


Weekly Recap (#38) + Stacking The Shelves (#28)

It’s almost here…

Christmas, for those that celebrate it!

It feels like it’s really come up fast this year, I still need to buy gifts for my mom and sister which I’ll hopefully do tomorrow or Tuesday. It’s a little up in the air whether or not I’m going to the Christmas/Music service at my church. I probably won’t though because I believe the person that would give me a ride will be out of town and I’m actually not super crazy about the service. Anyway, five days. Wow.

Christmas gets more and more important to me as the years go by given how important that I believe it is. If you didn’t know, I am a (Non-Denominational) Christian, so Christmas and Easter are religious holidays for me. Holidays are generally a little chaotic around here though, so hopefully Friday will go well, but even if it doesn’t, it doesn’t change the Christmas message for me, Jesus is the reason for the season and I’m so thankful I can openly celebrate His birth.

Besides all of that though, I binge watched The 100 in three days and I regret nothing. This was partially do to someone IRL talking about it so then I thought I’d watch it and I really liked it. Now I understand why everyone was so annoyed about the long break in-between seasons. That’s just ew. And I thought Game of Thrones was bad with that, but at least there’s a general estimate for when the show comes back on when it leaves.

I was going to make a post about The 100 for this past Friday, but I was still recovering from my binge watching, so I didn’t. With Christmas and New Years’ coming up, I probably won’t discuss it until January, so if you come here next month and still don’t see a post about The 100 from me, say “Amber, where the heck is your post about The 100? Get on it.”. There’s a 50/50 chance I’ll listen to you, but I didn’t even listen to Holly or Shannon when they told me to watch it (for…ever), so yeah, but you can always try. 😉

Now, onto my skimpy filled blog. I did not post that much this week. Again. Oops. I’m really going to try to quit doing that, but given the next two weeks, it probably won’t happen until January.

~The Few Posts On My Blog~

Yeah. . . So that was it. 😦 I’ll be working on there severe issue in the new year. I’m not sure what I’ll be posting this week other than My Favorite Songs of ’15 and the Top Ten Tuesday topic.

~Stacking The Shelves~

Stacking The Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted at Tynga’s Reviews where bloggers can link up and show off all the books they received or bought or traded or stole or found! You can link up here.

I went insane between the Harper drop and Simon & Schuster drops on EW. Oops. Here’s what I got:

~For Review~

The Year We Fell Apart Lucky Few Some Kind of Happiness Ask Me How I Got Here Frannie and TruTrue Letters From A Fictional Life The Way Back To You The Last Time We Were Us Even If The Sky Falls The Fall of Butterflies Girl Against The Universe Acr297196509774415983 Sanctuary Bay

Thank you Simon and Schuster, Harper Collins, Abrams, and St. Martin’s.



I received Tease from my Secret Sister. ❤ I’ve been wanting to read this for a while, plus it’s nice to have a finished copy since the cover is so glossy.

I hope everyone has a good week and a really good holiday for whatever you may celebrate.

Weekly Recap #31 + Stacking The Shelves #27

Hi everyone! Here’s my weekly recap! This week for me has been fine. My sister left for this youth conference called MOVE, which is part of CIY (Christ In Youth) yesterday! So that’s fun. 😉 It’ll be a bit relaxing around here.
I am incredibly jealous of her. Her and some of the high school youth group at my church are going to Colorado where I went for my first CIY! They’re going to the same city, which means I imagine they’ll be staying at the same place (possibly) where I stayed at! I have such good memories of CIY, I loved it so much. *sighs* It’s a week long event that starts tomorrow and goes until Friday, but they’ll be getting back late Friday night and won’t stay for the whole thing, since Saturday is the 4th and parents want their kids back! Haha.
I guess I should recap my blog now!
Next Week:
Top Ten Tuesday
Review: 5 to 1 by Holly Bodger
Wondrous Covers Wednesday
Review: Because You’ll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas
Possible Amber’s Rambles
Possible More Than This Provincial Life

~Stacking The Shelves~
Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted at Tynga’s Reviews where bloggers can link up and show off all the books they received or bought or traded or stole or found! You can link up here!
I received books this week! Mostly from trades!
I got:
Because You’ll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas
Never Always Sometimes by Adi Alsaid
Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella
from Katie @ Katie’s Book Blog. Thank you for the trade!<3
Then I got
Anything Could Happen by Will Walton from Anna @ Lost Brain Cell. Thank you! 
If you’re wondering why I have BYNMM and Anything Could Happen, it’s because I LOVED THEM BOTH SO MUCH I NEEDED PHYSICAL ARCS. Yes, I do have problems….

Lastly for my recap, I have joined Val @ The Innocent Smiley and Ely @ A Book So Fathomless awesome read-a-thon challenge. Here’s some information about that from them! : 
Look at the books you own, either physical, e-book or ones you’ve borrowed from the library and pick out a few you really want to read, or feel like you should read. It’s up to you how many you pick, personally I’d pick a few more than you expect to be able to read in a week. Example: if you think you’ll only read two, pick out five books or if you think you can read seven, pick out ten.
Make a list of these books on your blog, or make a video, or a Goodreads shelf or post a picture on Instagram—whatever is easiest for you. Then get friends, other bloggers/booktubers etc. to vote on which books you HAVE to read.When the read-a-thon comes along, you read the books in the order of most votes. For example, if one book gets 10 votes—you read that first, then the one that got 7 and so on. If there’s a tie, then it’s your preference. The goal is to read as many as possible. 
This sounds like a really great chance to read some of my recently acquired books so I definitely hopped on. Plus, Val’s like the best so, there’s that going for it too. 😉
The read-a-thon starts on July 20th at 8am and ends on July 27th at 12am. If you’re interested in doing this, you should join in for sure! 
Now, here is (hopefully) my poll for you all to vote on!
Okay, now that my…moment is over, I figured out how to add a poll from WordPress itself! Go figure. Ahem, anyway, you may now vote! In the actual poll. 😉 And you should join Val and Ely’s awesome challenge too!

Weekly Recap (#30) + Stacking The Shelves (#26)

Hi! I hope all of your weekends have gone well! Mine’s been mostly okay. It is ridiculously hot outside, I went to Starbucks yesterday and it was like 103 degrees! TOO. HOT. FOR. ME. I bought the Lemon Bar Frappuccino in case you were wondering and it was really great.
Except it was melted.
Because of the heat.
Or the person making it.
One of the two. 😉
Good news, I’m feeling better now, I’d mentioned on Twitter about having a little issue but that’s mostly resolved now, which is great. Now I can almost go places again, since before I was kind of….bedridden. But whatever! Moving on!
I posted more than usual on my blog, which was nice. 
Here’s what you may have missed:
Tamara Ireland Stone shared one of four(!) playlists for Every Last Word for my Musical Monday feature<3
For Top Ten Tuesday, I talked about all the books I’m looking forward to coming out for the rest of the year.
I shared three very blue-ish covers for Wondrous Covers Wednesday.
Val tagged me in the Cinderella book tag which I was so excited about.
I shared the news about the first ever #BookNerdBoost twitter chat which was yesterday.
And after seeing Holly’s post, I created my own Have You Seen This? post in search of books!
As for next week: 
I’ll be kicking off with…an interview with Leah Thomas (author of Because You’ll Never Meet Me) and guys, her answers are SO amazing. I love it. I love it. I love it so so so so much. Can’t you tell?
Then I’ll be doing Top Ten Tuesday!
Afterwards I’ll be posting a review of Anything Could Happen by Will Walton (for real this time<3).
I’ll be sharing more covers for Wondrous Covers Wednesday.
On Thursday I have a discussion post thought up that I am going to try to get down on paper (or in a text document).
~The Blogosphere~
Okay, so much has been happening with the blogosphere lately.
1. There was quite a bit of drama due to some users having a twitter chat BECAUSE APPARENTLY IF YOU’RE SAYING ANY CRITICISM YOU SHOULD “TAKE IT TO THE DMs” which was very upsetting because it was blown up so much. 😦
2. Xander @ Forever Bookish and Ashley @ Books 4 Review put together a “WriteThoseReviews” party to encourage bloggers to get those reviews done! Last week I mentioned my own goals and said I would follow up about them today. Well, I failed. I know, I know, I should have wrote those reviews, but I did work on a few and they’re almost done now! So progress? Progress. Yes, that was my progress update… To be more specific, I added to “More Happy Than Not”, “Anything Could Happen”, “5 to 1” 
3. Last but not least, Holly @ The Fox’s Hideaway, Faye @ The Social Potato and I put together the #BookNerdBoost chat that happened yesterday! We were all very surprised at the turn out and how much everyone liked it. Due to this, we’re thinking of doing another one, but want to make sure you’re interested. If you ARE interested in us doing another chat, be sure to say so in the comments. 🙂
If you don’t know what this #BookNerdBoost thing is that I’m mentioning, haha, you’re not alone! Several people have asked about it after seeing it on Twitter. The #BookNerdBoost was a twitter chat that Faye and Holly thought up (and let me join in on) to help motivate bloggers, inspire them, and share the love for the overall blogosphere and just remind people that they do like to blog. 
We had such a great turn out yesterday! I’m still so happy with the way it all happened because I was seriously freaking out just five minutes before it started! But it went well though, which I’m so happy about. ❤
~My Addictions As Of Late~
Crescent Rolls- You’ve probably seen at least ten posts about these things from me on Twitter if you follow me. Ha.
Hilary Duff’s “Breathe In. Breathe Out.” album – You’ve probably seen at least 100 tweets about Hilary Duff or her album on my twitter. Which reminds me:
Can’t you tell I love Hilary Duff? It’s so easy to see<3

~Stacking The Shelves~

Stacking The Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted @ Tynga’s Reviews where bloggers can link up and share the books they received that week. I can’t remember the last time I talked about the books I received so this will probably encompass 2-3 weeks of books:
A Little In Love by Susan Fletcher (THANK YOU HOLLY<3)
I Am Her Revenge by Meredith Moore (THANK YOU AGAIN HOLLY<3)
Wolf By Wolf by Ryan Graudin (THANKS VAL<3)
George by Alex Gino (THANK YOU EMMA!)
Like It Never Happened by Emily Adrian (THANK YOU SO MUCH, KATIE)
The Summer of Chasing Mermaids by Sarah Ockler (THANK YOU KELLY!)
Bought for Kindle:
Skyscraping by Cordelia Jensen
A Midsummer’s Nightmare by Kody Keplinger
Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan
Triangles by Ellen Hopkins
My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick
What I Thought Was True by Huntley Fitzpatrick
I’m so excited for some of these. Especially Like It Never Happened, it looks even more gorgeous in person. I received this one today when I woke up! It was such a nice Sunday surprise since I never get packages on Sundays. ❤ 

That’s it for me this week! Did you participate in #BookNerdBoost chat? Did you like it? Did you get any cool books this week? Let me know. 🙂 I hope you all have lovely weeks ahead of you<3 

Weekly Recap #24 + Stacking The Shelves #25 + Bout of Books 13

Weekly recap is a pretty self explanatory post. I recap what’s happened in my life, in the blogging world, on my blog and what’s coming up.
~What You May Have Missed~
Interview with Corey Ann Haydu!!!!
ARC Review: Making Pretty by Corey Ann Haydu (Five stars!!!)
Top Books I Am Never Ever Reading (Probably)
Wondrous Covers Wednesday – Paper!
RRWC May Challenge #1 – My Sophomore Life Playlist

~Coming Up Next Week~
RRWC May Challenge #2 (On time this time!
Top Ten Authors I REALLY Want To Meet
Wondrous Covers Wednesday
Amber’s Rambles
More Than This Provincial Life
BOUT OF BOOKS! And at the end I’ll be talking about my goals in further length.

~In The Blogosphere~
Wow guys, you have been discussing like CRAZY. This is only half of what I’ve been saving over the past week. I’m sad to say I’ve barely commented on any of them. 😦 But I have them all saved in my BL “2015 May” collection. 🙂 And I’ll comment on them….sometime. 😦

~Reading Progress~
I’m almost halfway through Anything Could Happen by Will Walton and I’m loving it! I’m hoping to finish it today or tomorrow before Bout of Books.

~My Life~
So I went to a job interview Thursday and I thought I did okay. The manager said he had a few more interview to do and he’d get back with me. So I called him the next day, to give him my number (I didn’t know it beforehand). He told me he still had interviews and he’d call me the next day (yesterday). I waited and no call….
I’m guessing someone was hired, haha, and I didn’t get call back. Anyway, I am going to call him tomorrow just to check up on it, since I know he was wanting someone to be hired by tomorrow to start training. The job would be a night auditor at this hotel Sunday and Monday nights, which is totally good for me, if I got it, because as you all know, I’m up. All night. Every night. Ha.

I WON IT TWICE! It’s weird, around 8:40, I was notified I had won the mixed cd from the ladies at The Bevy Bibliotheque!, THEN, I was emailed back and told that the winner of the ARC had already won it somewhere else and they could pick a new winner! I was the new winner!  That’s what happens when you tweet a ton, I don’t regret it. 
THEN four hours later, I received TTSAO and the mixed CD, but I have NO idea who from! It’s from the publisher, as I suspect the rest of the giveaways were done the same way. I only gave my address in one giveaway, so odds are that’s who I won from and they just didn’t email me to tell me so. 🙂 So I’ve tweeted them to find out! Haha, if I’m told they didn’t send it to me, then I have no idea who I won from. It’s weird though, all the giveaways I entered were a “Win an arc or a cd” and I checked all of them, only a couple didn’t announce the winners so…I don’t know. But anyway, that was the highlight of my week! 🙂 I’m so excited to read it.
The interview was my other highlight. 🙂

~Stacking The Shelves~
Stacking The Shelves is a meme created and hosted at Tynga’s Reviews. It gives bloggers a chance toe talk about the books they’ve acquired over the past week. I finally got some books approved that I’d been waiting for. 🙂
-Via Edelweiss-
Underneath Everything by Marcy Beller Paul (Illustrated by Bill Davis)
A Madness So Discreet by Mindy McGinnis
Anything Could Happen by Will Walton
Thank you HarperCollins Children and Scholastic!<3
-Via Netgalley-
Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon
Thank you Delacorte Books for Young Readers!
Tonight The Streets Are Ours by Leila Sales and a mixed CD!<3

~Bout of Books 13~
I participated in Bout of Books at the beginning of the year, if you may remember. I didn’t reach my goal, but it was still fun to do. 🙂 This week I want to seriously finish at least five out of six ARCs that I’m currently reading. If I get that done, I want to start a new ARC, either Tonight The Streets Are Ours or Devoted. I’ll be adding this reading challenge to my Reading/Blogging Challenges page. I’ll update my progress there at the end of each day.
So my goals by name:
Anything Could Happen by Will Walton (Currently at 48%)
Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman (Currently at 41%)
City Love by Susane Colasanti (Currently at 31%)
Fans of The Impossible Life by Kate Scelsa (Currently at 10%)
The Cemetery Boys by Heather Brewer (Currently at 5%)
Tiny Pretty Things by Sona Charaipotra and Dhonielle Clayton (Currently at 3%)
So yes, very steep goals, but I figured I could at least finish the first three. 🙂
That’s it for me this week, let me know how your week’s been, if you’re partaking in Bout of Books and what books you’ve received this week! 😀

Weekly Recap (#23) + Stacking The Shelves (#24)

Every week I recap what’s happened on my blog and in my life as well as telling you what you can look forward to.
Hey everyone. How was your week? For me, this week has been pretty okay. Nothing too exciting happened.
~What You May Have Missed Last Week~
Five Reasons You Need Making Pretty by Corey Ann Haydu In Your Life
Tiny Pretty Things ARC Giveaway
ARC Review: Finding Paris by Joy Preble (Three Stars)
Wondrous Covers Wednesday (#32) – City Lights
Monthly Recap: April ’15
Looking Forward To: May ’15
Bout of Books 13

~Coming Up This Week~
Interview with Corey Ann Haydu! (Posting tomorrow!!!!!) (May 4)
ARC Review: Making Pretty by Corey Ann Haydu (Five Stars!!!!) (May 5)
Wondrous Covers Wednesday (#33) (May 6)
RRWC May Challenge #1: Make Your Life Soundtrack (Posting under More Than This Provincial Life) (May 8)
I’m still in the middle of books and such, I may will throw up a review Tuesday  So these four posts are the bare minimum. 

~In The Blogosphere~

~Reading Progress~
I am still in the middle of City Love by Susane Colasanti, Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman and Fans of The Impossible Life by Kate Scelsa. In addition to those three, I’m also in the middle of The Cemetery Boys by Heather Brewer and Tiny Pretty Things by Sona Charaipotra and Dhonielle Clayton. . . One day I’m going to finish one of them. 🙂 So far Challenger Deep is really sucking me in now, I’m also very into Fans and The Cemetery Boys. City Love’s kind of “eh” at this point, unfortunately. I’m not too far into Tiny Pretty Things but it’s had an interesting introduction so far.

Harper added books to Edelweiss!
Simon Pulse has re-added Violent Ends on EW, which hopefully I will get approved for. *crosses fingers*
Armchair BEA’s coming up in a few weeks which I’m participating in for the first time ever.

~Stacking The Shelves~

Stacking The Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme at Tynga’s Reviews where bloggers are encouraged to talk about the books they’ve received the past week.
I was approved for:

A Step Towards Falling Future Perfect

A Step Towards Falling by Cammie McGovern
Future Perfect by Jen Larsen
Thank you so much Harper Teen. ❤
I love how the covers follow the same palette, at least with the teal color. ❤

I hope everyone has a good week. 🙂 Let me know how your week’s going, any great blog posts I missed, what books you’ve got this week, etc. 

Weekly Recap (#22) + Stacking The Shelves (#23)

Hi everyone! Once again, I’m posting this pretty late, ha. This is where I recap my week, life-wise and blog-wise and talk about any books I’ve received with Stacking The Shelves.
~My Life~
I found out the hotel I applied at had called me right before I called them, but my sister didn’t tell me because she “thought I’d know by the call log” and then she says she thought it was for our dad. So that’s just….great. I’ll have to call them back tomorrow. I’m so annoyed I missed the call. They left a voicemail on the phone, but because the phone’s out of call time, I can’t listen to it. D: That’s the most horrible thing ever. So I’ll have to call them. Again. For like the millionth time in two weeks. *sighs*
Aside from that, not much has been going on here. A bit chaotic at home, but nothing too bad.
~What I Posted Last Week~
ARC Review: We All Looked Up by Tommy Wallach (Four Stars)
Wondrous Covers Wednesday (#31)
Review: The Law of Loving Others by Kate Axelrod (Four Stars)
~What I’m Posting This Week~
One Day More (#2) 
Top Ten Tuesday
ARC Review: Finding Paris by Joy Preble
Wondrous Covers Wednesday
More Than This Provincial Life 
~Reading Progress~
I finished Finding Paris by Joy Preble, I’m in the middle of City Love by Susane Colasanti, Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman and Fans of The Impossible Life by Kate Scelsa.
~Stacking The Shelves~

Stacking The Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme at Tynga’s Reviews for bloggers to share the books they’ve received the past week.
I had a good book week.
I received:
A Million Miles Away by Lara Avery from the Novl Newsletter
Veronica Mars:  The Thousand Dollar Tan Line by Rob Thomas and Jennifer Graham from Lauren in exchange for an arc, that I still need to mail out. I swear I haven’t forgotten!
Cracked Up To Be by Courtney Summers from the All The Rage pre-order campaign
I bought:
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Orlando by Virginia Woolf (Thank you All The Bright Places<3)
For Review:
Because You’ll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas (Via Netgalley and Bloomsbury USA Children’s Books, thank you so so so so much)
The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness (VIA Edelweiss and HarperTeen, thank you so so much)
A History of Glitter and Blood by Hannah Moskowitz (Via Netgalley and Chronicle Books, thank you! )
I hope you all have a good week. 🙂 Let me know what’s been going on and any books you’ve received.