My Bookish Problems and I

Top Ten TuesdayTop Ten Tuesday is the weekly meme hosted at The Broke and The Bookish. Every week they will create a new Top Ten list for bloggers to participate in. To link up, please go here. 🙂
This week’s list is one everyone can relate to:
~Top Ten Bookish Problems I Have~
1. Page numbers/Percentage place in book.
I have a bad habit of always looking at the percentage when I’m reading a book on my Kindle.
Reason One: Because the book is “awful” I want to know when it will be over,
Reason Two: The book is awesome and I don’t want it to ever end or
Reason Three: I need to finish this book soon so I want to know how much longer it will be.
2. Reading beyond what I’m reading.
Case and point: I’ll be reading a book (obis) but my eyes will jump to the bottom of the page or even the next page and skim it! It’s terrible! I have to actually COVER UP part of the book/Kindle when I read so I don’t “spoil” stuff for myself. 😦 What in the world? I know.
3. Buying Tons of Physical Books
I buy a ton of books that I won’t ever read for weeks/months/years after the original purchase day that I just “HAVE” to have.
Part 2: When I can’t buy the pretty new hardcover I see in Barnes and Noble that I’m totally dying to have (IMYT, there’s you.)
4. Buying Tons of Kindle Books
I also buy books in the Kindle format that I already have a physical copy of. I have two reasons for doing this.
Reason One: If I read the book and like it, I want a copy on my Kindle so I can take it everywhere with me.
Reason Two: If I haven’t read it, I may get the urge to one day read it since it’s just like, on my Kindle. The convenience thing? Yeah.
5. My Forever Game of Playing Catch Up
I’m always behind on backlist titles, classics and new releases.
6. Reading Slumps
I have periods of time where I don’t want to read. That’s a problem because, well, obviously. 🙂
7. What keeps me up at night is thinking of all the amazing books that will be published after I’m dead that I’ll never get to read. Unless there’s a library in Heaven and God gives me a hook up. 😉 (No, seriously).
8. Checking Out A Ton of Library Books
This causes a few problems actually….
A. I check out an incredible amount of library books that I never get to despite checking them out for the maximum amount (then renewing them as long as I can).
B. I won’t return books because “I’m going to finish it!” refer to C and accumulate lots of fees….
C. I have the habit of dropping a book right in the middle if it’s due for the library then never getting back to it for…a long time.
9. Reading and Walking
I can’t read and walk at the same time or at least not with this much grace:
So yeah, that’s obviously a problem.
10. Ridiculous High Standards
I make up my own hype for books. Due to this, some books have extremely high standards that they probably won’t match up to due to my self enforced…hype. More on this at a later date though.
11. Price/Book Ratio
I imagine how many books I could buy with how much money I spend on non-book items. Like, food. 
12. I Have No Bookshelves
Most people in the book blogging world (and even not, let’s be real) have a bookshelf or bookshelVES. I, on the other hand, have ZERO. You know what this means? Books in stacks. In my room, in my mom’s room, in a closet, in the entryway….In boxes (still)…..
You would think that may stop my compulsive buying….but it does not. 
Share with me YOUR bookish problems, I know you have one or like, twenty. 🙂

About Amber (YA Indulgences)

Amber is a 30-something woman who enjoys reading, writing, listening to music and taking walks. She has a book blog called YA Indulgences . She is still trying to figure out what she's doing with her life, but she's confident that time will tell. View all posts by Amber (YA Indulgences)

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