Weekly Recap #4 (Dec. 1-Dec. 7)

It’s time for my weekly recap, a feature of sorts at YA Indulgences where I recap my week. Occasionally I’ll link up to Stacking The Shelves as well if I have a number of books.
If you read my recap from last week, you may remember me saying I was at a friend’s house. So far, that hasn’t changed. 🙂 It’s been an interesting week. She has a sleeping schedule that leads to her generally staying up all night and then sleeping a lot during the day. Though I’ve also done the same thing a few days this week. We’ve watched the first five Harry Potter movies and the first 11ish episodes of Veronica Mars. As soon as we finish them, I’m going home. Haha. Hopefully that’ll be done Tuesday before I worn out my welcome here.
~Last Week on YA Indulgences~
Monthly Recap
Looking Forward To: December
Weekly Recap
Top Ten Tuesday
Wondrous Covers Wednesday
Amber’s Rambles: Things I Like in Fiction
Featured Fairytale Friday
Sisterhood of World Bloggers Award/Tag
~This Week on YA Indulgences~
Musical Monday
Top Ten Tuesday
Wondrous Covers Wednesday
Amber’s Rambles: Things I Dislike In Fiction
Weekly Recap (#5)
~Around The Blogosphere~
Nereyda shares her feature on where she sees fashion
Lauren did a feature post on Oh, The Books about her experience with audiobooks and shares her top ten reactions she has while reading.
Cristina shares the three authors she would have write her a romance.
Parajunkee gives a quick blogging tip about sharing your solved problems and shares new resolutions for bloggers.
Ashley interviews Stephanie for her design interview and asks why she uses we pronouns when discussing her business.
Lara asks when is it time to stop reading.
Andye lists ten things only book addicts understand and asks if a happy couple is a boring couple.
I’m reading Althea and Oliver still. I’ll hopefully finish it this week.

About Amber (YA Indulgences)

Amber is a 30-something woman who enjoys reading, writing, listening to music and taking walks. She has a book blog called YA Indulgences . She is still trying to figure out what she's doing with her life, but she's confident that time will tell. View all posts by Amber (YA Indulgences)

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